Trinity Lutheran Church
Go therefore and make disciples of
all nations
Matthew 28:19
What we believe?

We believe that the only true God is the Triune God; one God made of three distinct and separate persons. He is revealed in Holy Scripture as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that God desires all people to be saved and know the truth.
We believe that God so loved people that He sent His only Son Jesus to rescue us from our lost condition.
We believe that the Holy Spirit brings us to and keeps us in saving faith through God’s Word, Holy Baptism and The Lord’s Supper.
We believe that through the church God equips and empowers believers to serve Him by serving others and sharing the good news about Jesus.
Who are we?
Mission: Welcoming people from all nations and sharing Jesus in our community
Trinity Lutheran Church is an independent, international English-speaking congregation located in Frankfurt, Germany.
Church members, associate members, and friends come from a wide range of denominational backgrounds.
Trinity has been blessed with an exceptional children's ministry, a remarkable music program,
and a thriving community very interested in Christian life activities.
Our church has an affiliation with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and
receives its pastoral leadership from the LCMS.
Our History
Trinity’s roots stem from the need to provide spiritual care for U.S. military personnel and consulate workers following World War II. In 1956 a group of American Lutherans living in the Rhine-Main area asked the German church, die Dreieinigkeits Gemeinde (in English, Trinity Congregation) located near the Frankfurt Zoo, to begin regular Lutheran ministry in English. The first service for a handful of worshipers was held at the church a year later. The name Trinity Lutheran Church was selected to honor the then host congregation for their assistance.
Originally Trinity’s pastoral leadership came from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). In recent years this has changed so that today pastors are being provided solely by The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, through the Synod's office of International Mission. As membership increased and the congregation outgrew its previous facilities, the decision was made in 1977 to move to a centrally located church building, the former Christus Immanuel Gemeinde at Nibelungenallee 54 where the congregation presently meets.
During the last five years the makeup of the church has changed substantially with the departure of most U.S. military from the region and a reduction in employees at the U.S. consulate in Frankfurt. Trinity is now a multi-cultural congregation with members coming from a wide range of countries such as India, China, the Philippines, various African countries, Poland, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, Slovakia, Albania, as well as the U.S. Trinity ministers to Christians of many denominations wishing to worship in English.
O Come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker!
Psalm 95:6
How to find us?

We are located in Frankfurt am Main's Nordend district at Nibelungenallee 54, just across the street from the Bürgerhospital.
Closest U-Bahn station: U5 Nibelungenallee / Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Closest Bus stop: Line 32 Richard Wagner Str
There is limited street parking near church (in front of church, along Richard Wagner Str., along the Cemetery). Please be aware of the parking restrictions & metered parking.
How to reach us from Frankfurt Airport Train Station