Trinity News
Visiting Pastors
Rev. Rex Rinne
30.Mar - 28.Apr
Rev. Robert Flohrs
3.May - 12.May
Prayer for this week
O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy, be gracious to all who have gone astray from Your ways and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of Your Word; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Important Notice
New Phone Numbers:
Pastor 0151 2213 2487
Parsonage 069 6339 0882
Church Office 069 71 0330 43
Christian Life
Confirmation Class Bake Sale
Trinity Lutheran Confirmation Class Bake Sale Benefits Calvary Chapel Trust. The confirmation class of Trinity Lutheran Church hosted a successful bake sale to raise funds for the Calvary Chapel Trust,an orphanage which supports children in need. The event featured Christmas themed homemade treats baked by the students and their families The bake sale was a meaningful way for the students to live out their faith by serving others. Thanks to generous matching donations, the event exceeded its fundraising goals, and the students are already planning future community service projects.
Boys night out
Trinity Lutheran’s men’s fellowship met on Friday, November 1 at the Ginnheimer Wirtshaus for fellowship, food, and some libation. As part of the Christian Life ministry at Trinity, the men’s group tries to meet with some regularity every six to eight weeks. By bringing our faith out into the world, the goal is to get to know each other and their individual culture better by bonding among Christian men. The general consensus following this restaurant visit was a good time was had by all and other men are encouraged to join future get togethers. The next event planned is a visit on Friday, December 13 to the Frankfurt Christmas market for a few cups of cheer, some brats, and potato pancakes with apple sauce. We hope all men will join and bring friends. For more information, please contact deacon for Christian Life Bob Colvin or the church office.